
Moksh Consulting’s vision is to shift our collective consciousness towards great peace, connection and joy.


We offer coaching, consulting and facilitation superpowers to unleash the greatest freedom and power inside people in order to fundamentally transform the world. We work with individuals, teams, and organizations in the non-profit, for-profit/business, philanthropic, and social impact sectors.

Principles of Practices

  1. Treasure what you have - Use existing assets to build solutions, instead of focusing on gaps

  2. Tell the whole truth with kindness - Name what’s working, what’s not, what you want and need.

  3. Keep it simple – What matters most will rise to the top consistently, let’s focus on it.

  4. Trust your instincts - Use inner knowing and intelligence of spirit to move through the unknown.

  5. Move at the pace of collective change - Pause for questions, be aware of different needs and abilities, clarify decision-making processes and give clear input points to all impacted stake-holders.

  6. Choose joy! Make choices based on vision and excitement about your organization’s desired impact in the world and your unique contribution in that.

  7. Learning and growth - We commit to opening up to the unknown, and changing based on what we discover along the way.